Monday, December 28, 2009

I did It !!

The fall semester is finally over, I survived, I did it. I have never been so relieved in life. The torture, deadlines and pure stress is over. I ended up with an A in Argumentative and Persuasion Writing, an A in Life Span Psychology, and ... drum roll...... a B in Anatomy and Physiology. Normally I would be devastated by a B, but let me tell you I am thankful, grateful, and ecstatic for that number 2 letter in the alphabet. 80% of the people fail that course online, but thank God I was not one of them. Yes my ego was a bit dented since it caused my GPA to drop from a 4.0 to a 3.75, but hey Life is Good ! I did it!



I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I had a lovely day. It was thrilling to watch the kids open their presents, and watch the excitement on their faces. Daniel tore through every present with pure determination. He couldn't contain his eagerness. With each one he would oooo and squeal with joy. He even shivered and shook with a few. Abigail was on the hunt. She could hardly wait to see if Santa brought her the skateboard scooter her heart so desired. Of course Santa came through and full-filled her dream. There has been scooter riding through out the house every since. She also received a baby doll that her and Daniel have been taking great care of. They are often seen pushing her in the stroller, giving her a bottle and singing to her. I even heard Abigail tell Daniel, " I will be the mommy and you be the daddy." They are like to peas in a pod. Of course Abby is a bit bossy telling him what to do most of the time, and dragging him by the hand everywhere. The older girls received the present to end all presents from my sister Trudy. A laptop, yes a computer for each of them. I swear I thought they were going to faint when they opened them up. I still can't figure out how they received such a gift. Of course I had that fleeting thought of ... Oh, Now I have something I can ground them from when they misbehave. I know, I'm a terrible mother lol. But hey, sometimes you need all the leverage you can get. I also mistakenly bought Paige a Flip camcorder. The child has been torturing me every since. I am just praying the video of me hula hooping on the Wii Fit, in my PJ's don't end up on u tube somewhere. Molly has been on her Wii Fit non-stop. Now instead of TV we all get to watch Molly jump around the living room. A very good time was had by all. It was a Christmas to go down in the books as fun, excitement and filled with laughter all.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Day in the ER

Well after 3 days of being doubled over in pain, I finally went to the ER. I guess it is a good thing I went, but I am dreading the bill. Honestly I am keeping my chin up, but geeze I do wish I'd get a break once in awhile. I swear it is always one thing after another. I have diverticulitis and colitis, they gave me two rounds of antibiotics in the ER and sent me home with some more. I'm hoping the pain will go away in a few days, it hurts every time I move around. I have to be better by next week because I have finals. Life sure is an adventure isn't is ? :)


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