Monday, April 27, 2009

One In A Million

Okay, so I can't hit the lottery, but I can hit 1 in 1,000,000. I blogged earlier about signing up for college. I actually filled out all my FAFSA forms for student loans, grants and all that stuff you have to do. Now I have been calling the school for weeks, because it is not showing they have received my information. They keep telling me to call back next week. Today I found out they have my fall info but not my summer. It was filled 3 weeks later than my summer. So finally someone actually talks to me from the school and tells me to call the FAFSA people. Well I do that and all my information was processed back on April 6th. It is all completed, they have the information and sent it to the school. There is nothing else they can do. So I call the school back and she tells me they can't access it. She basically tells me oh well. So after a bit of chatting in a bit of a discussed tone, she finally agrees to have a manager look at it. Now guess what? I have to call them next week again and see what is going on. If I do not get all this sorted out by the time summer classes start I am screwed. It will put off what program I am trying to apply for, for another year. OMG go figure I am the one in a million form that someone messed up, and don't know how to fix.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bills Bills and More Bills

I used to look forward to getting my mail each day. Now when I see the mailman I get an ache in my stomach. I know he is going to be bringing me some more of those unwanted bills. Things have been a bit tight around here lately and I swear it is driving me nuts! I will be glad when we get back on track. You know the old saying, " When it rains, it pours." I believe that saying was made for the motto of my life :). Well at least for the last couple of months. Hopefully now that the weather is picking up, we should be getting back on track soon. Hubby works in a sales market that is directly effected by the economy and to some extent by the season. Traditionally winter is always a tough time, but this time we got hit with a double whammy. People are not spending money as much as they used to. Hence commission jobs only got a big kick in the pants. I swear there is a permanent size 15 shoe print on our butts. I guess tonight I just had to vent a bit. I think the email I opened this evening did it. I actually got an email bill so to speak. A reminder that I owe yet for another school activity. Thankfully that I can pay :). I just thought to myself, omg now my email is nagging me too, lol. Bad enough I avoid the mailman, but omg not my email lol. I'm sure it won't be long until things are better. I guess it is just one of those day I'm having. Must be my hormonal pre-menopausal emotions kicking in. Gotta love being a woman! At least my hot flashes kept me warm this winter :). There is always something to be thankful for.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Late Easter Everyone

We had a really good Easter. We had dinner over my mom's house and the kids colored eggs the night before. I think my mom will need a couple days to recoup from the little ones. We were over there late and once they get tired, they can get a bit wild :). I had to laugh. There were 4 adults and it took everyone one of us to chase, catch and manage Daniel and Abigail. While one of us were stopping Abby from pouring eye dye all over, the other was chasing Daniel before he reached the bathroom to play in the toilet. I think I will wait a few days before we go back to mom's house. I think she deserves a bit of a break :). The kids love to run, yell, push Nana in her wheelchair, and dump out anything they can find. Heck I need a break from that too from time to time :). Easter was a lot of fun, and I don't think I have laughed that much in a long time.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


To go to college or not to go to College, that is the question I have been pondering for a very long time. Several years ago I actually got as far as admittance, taking the entrance exam, talking to counsellor and then stopping dead in my tracks. I freaked out and ended up not going. Shortly after that I found out I was pregnant, so the thought of going to college was placed far back in my mind.

The thought of College has now resurfaced. This time I got as far as actually registering for courses this summer. I must admit I am a bit nervous. I wonder how I will be able to study, take care of the kids, and keep the whole house running at the same time. My goal is to be able to apply for the RN program next fall. I should have my pre reqs completed by then. The only catch is I have to maintain a high GPA and score high on the TEAS exam. Without those two things, my chances of getting in the program are slim.

This summer I will be taking introductory to psychology, English Composition, and Basic Algebra. I figure the summer will be my test run. If all goes well then it's off to the Fall semester. I never realized just how scary going back to school could be. I think it really is just a matter of the unknown. Hopefully it all goes well.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break

The kids are thrilled that it's Spring Break. Now that they are all finished with the flu, they wanted to go to their nana's house today. They haven't seen her in weeks, and I believe my mother and my children were both going thru withdrawl. The older girls are staying the night there. My 10 yr old (Molly) actually went to the horse races with my sister and her hubby. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun for her. After she gets back she will go to my moms house and stay the night.

Today was a pretty fun day. We went to see the Easter Bunny and my little boy got his first hair cut. He did such a good job. He sat and let her buzz him with no problems at all. He laughed the whole time. I took tons of pics of course :), and saved some of his hair for his scrap book. He looks like such a little man now :). I will get some pics up as soon as I can. His before and after pics :). He really does look different!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Trip to The Emergency Room

Well today is the first day of fever free children. After my last post about everyone doing better, things took a turn for the worse. My 2 yr old ended up starting high fevers again, and quickly dehydrated. By late evening Monday, she wouldn't even stand or hardly move around. I ended up taking her to the ER. They gave her a liter of fluids because she was so dry. We had to wait there for hours until she could finally pee. I'm just happy that everyone is doing good now. 24 hours without anyone running a fever! I believe that is a new record in my house !!!


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