Thursday, March 18, 2010

Molly's Science Fair IUN

Well my little scientist took 2nd place in her category at the IUN science fair. I am very proud of her. It was her first time at Indiana University Northwest competing. She ended up with 1st place at her school, honorable mention at school corporate and then 2nd in category at IUN. She is already working on ideas for next year :).


Friday, March 12, 2010

The Strike is Over

I'm sure all of you have experienced the wish to go on strike. I'd like to stand with a picket sign that reads: No More Dishes, No More Messes, No More Laundry, and NO MORE CLEANING THE BATHROOM. I don't think those household chores would be so bad if it wasn't one step forward and 10 steps back. I pick up the toys, put them in the toy basket and in 10 seconds .. poof.. out they tumble by the little hands of my 2 and 3 year old. It is almost pointless to pick up! Don't get me started on laundry. Why do my older girls believe they need a towel for their hair, one for the floor, and one for their body. That is 6 towels a day between the both of them. 42 towels a week if you think of it that way. No wonder I go through so much laundry soap. For all of you who use the graduation system with towels.. I commend you. (clap clap). You know where they graduate from body to floor etc. My girls don't get that system yet, No matter how hard I try to explain it to them. I always end up finding a pile of wet towels piled in a corner of their room, or on the bathroom floor. The last couple of day I decided I was going to strike. I'm not killing myself cleaning stuff over and over again. I left messes. Then after a couple of days, my obsessive compulsive self set in and I spent all day cleaning and picking up everything. I even organized a closet. Go figure ! So all in all I guess my strike is over, I gave in. :)


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