It's me again !
Well it's me again, this time with a new do ! Hope all is well with everyone. It's pretty much the same ole grind here, homework, house cleaning, facebook :) and all the good stuff.
Well it's me again, this time with a new do ! Hope all is well with everyone. It's pretty much the same ole grind here, homework, house cleaning, facebook :) and all the good stuff.
I did it. I have now officially completed my last scheduled course for school. My ppt presentation was graded, and I received an almost perfect score. I am so excited. Since I have extra time left over this semester I picked up another course. I started college mathematics a couple days ago, and I should have enough time to finish it before the semester's end.
Read more...I am not sure how much the human psyche can handle. I am mentally and physically exhausted. The worst part is, I don't see it getting any better. I feel like running away, or curling up and hiding in a closet somewhere. I long to go home. I want to sit in a room alone where it is quiet and think, or not think, just do nothing at all, just listen to the peace inside it. The truth of the matter is, that is not possible. I have no home, or at least no home of my own.
It is hard sometimes, and I realize I should be thankful for a warm bed, food and shelter. I think I wouldn't feel so bad if there were more peace that surrounded me. It seems those I interact with do not realize that words can hurt, and their pain can linger for quite sometime. I'm sure everyone will think me selfish for complaining, and maybe I am, I am ashamed, but sometimes I get lost in the want, the want to feel like somebody, the want to be wanted by someone.
I know God has a plan for me. Maybe I am being tested on faithfulness. Maybe God is saving something really special for me, and wants me to be able to appreciate it. I know that when the time is right, and someday all is right around me I will know, appreciate it, and be thankful for it. I am thankful now for all that I have. Life, children, health is a gift that I do realize I am in possession of. I guess sometimes we all drift in the waters of self pity, in which I have taken part in this evening. Tomorrow I wish and will wake up in the ocean of hope, determination and love. For now I am just going to drift awhile.
I spent half of last night, and almost all day working on my ppt presentation for Literature. I finished it and turned it in just a little while ago. I am praying it is accepted, because that means I am finished with my last scheduled course!!
Read more...Hopefully tonight will be peaceful and no trips to the emergency room. Yesterday I had to take Daniel. He was fine at home, then suddenly grabbed his ear and began screaming. This went on for almost an hour when I finally decided to take him in. I wasn't sure if it was an earache, bug bite or if he had stuck something into it. The poor little guy was sobbing uncontrollably and wouldn't let go of his ear. Once we got to the ER he continued to scream and cry for almost 2 hours. Of course just before they took us back, he stopped and said it was all better, it didn't hurt anymore. I then had to explain why I had this little boy in the ER, as he sang Thomas the Train songs through the emergency room ;). Thank goodness the Doc didn't think I was over reacting or even crazy. He said that the tube in his ear could have been blocked and then spontaneously cleared. That would explain the sudden pain and then relief. His ear was red inside and he does have an ear infection. Since the incident he has been back to his singing, running, car racing and train driving self. I'm glad he isn't in anymore pain.
The night before last we had to take Paige to the ER. Her and her boyfriend were goofing around and she hit her arm on Abby's play stove. Nothing was broke and just bruised a little. They put her in a sling and splint for her wrist, which she twisted when she hit the play set.
I am hoping the rest of the week will be nice and quiet with no emergent episodes.
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