Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Surprise Win for March

Wow, what a great day! I had to sign for letter today and much to my surprise it was a gift card to Kmart! I still haven't figured out which sweepstakes I won it from. There was no letter inside, just the gift card. I even had to call the number on the card to find out how much it was. You can imagine my surprise when I found out it was $50.00. Of course it will be put to good use. Diapers and diaper wipes :). I am really surprised too. I haven't been able to enter sweeps for a couple months, because of the whole DSL thing. Entering using dial-up just drives me nuts and half the time don't even work. Of course now I'm itching to enter some sweeps. Happy sweeping everyone! May you wins be many and BIG!


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