Thursday, May 14, 2009

Camp Was a Blast

We got back from Camp Tecumseh yesterday afternoon. I have to say that it was a total blast. I think the parents had just as much, if not more fun, than the kids. I swear it has been years since I have laughed so hard. I actually laughed to the point my eyes were watering. It looked like I was crying. The other moms were great, and a lot of fun. In fact it was me and another mom that got the giggles. Go figure, I don't think I've had the giggles in years.

Our camp guides were awesome. They had everyone, including the parents, laughing, singing, and dancing. They really did a good job entertaining everyone. That is hard work, doing what they do, day in and day out. The kids got to make candles, hike through the woods, visit a barn with animals, learn Indian sign language, make johnny cakes and biscuits on an open fire, ground corn, play pioneer games, and even attend an old fashion pioneer school. They learned how the pioneers lived in 1811. It really was educational and fun, all at the same time.

The weather was great our first day there. Nothing but warmth and sunshine. Thankfully, we got through almost all of the programs, and got to have our camp fire in the evening. The next morning was only a half day, and it poured rain. We were soaking wet. It was a bit miserable from the rain, but fun too. It isn't everyday I get to play in the rain. It reminded me of when when I was a kid, and love playing in mud puddles. I'm not sure the kids were that thrilled getting wet, but they all did great!

I absolutely recommend Camp Tecumseh to everyone. They have several different types of camp, and several different themes too. Molly is already asking me if she can go back this summer :).


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