Thursday, August 26, 2010

College here we go again

Since I took Spring off I have been wanting to go back to college this fall. I found a great place, WGU Indiana. I have applied, sent my transcripts and now I just have to pass an entrance exam. It's great because I can do all of it online, except for the last year. They have a main school WGU, and now Indiana just took them as a state school. They run all year round, 6 month semesters one after another and non profit. You also can work at your own pace and take as many courses as you want for a flat fee. Very very reasonable rates. I don't know if I will get through it all, but I think it is worth a try. I really wanted to go back before, but I didn't have sitters for the little ones. I am entering their education program. I will end up with a bachelors and be able to teach K-8th. Wish me luck, pray for me, send positive thoughts my way, I need all the help I can get :). Here is to a new adventure. You never know how things will turn out, but at least I can say I tried.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

One Year

Well, its been one year now that I have been living with my mom and sister. While I am very thankful to have a roof over my head, food and a place to sleep, I am feeling a bit sadden and a bit depressed lately. I was so hoping we would have our own place by now, but I guess its not in the cards so to speak. I really don't see any way we will be moving out anytime soon. Hubby is still working on commission and personally my feelings about commission aren't pleasurable. I won't chat about it here, because it has been a great source of discussion at home, and I am tired of "talking" aka arguing about it.

I had thought at 41 years old I would be settled, have a home and car by now. Maybe I am going through mid-life crisis, because all I can think of is that time is flying by and I haven't reached my goal of independence. How crazy is it to be my age and still feel like bum, mooching off my family. Once the little ones are in school I will be in a better position to work outside the home. Right now daycare would cost more than what I would make working. Writing has helped some with money, but trying to get out 10 articles a week has proved to be a daunting task. Time... it seems I have no time to write. Late evening when I have free time, I am too tired to make a sentence sound even readable. My brain lags, my thoughts aren't clear and I end up not putting down one word. Hopefully I can get back into the swing of things and get something finished.

Well I guess enough griping today. Putting my chin up again, taking a deep breath and charging forward. Someday... someday things just have to work out. I do know one thing, I won't quit trying, no matter how many times I keep stumbling and falling down, I am getting up. Granted as I am getting older, it takes me a little longer to jump to me feet :), but none the less, I will stand.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday Abigail

Abigail turned 4 years old on Aug. 12th. Oh my where does the time go? They grow up so fast, it seems like only yesterday I held her as a baby in my arms.

She requested peirogies for her b-day, her fav food. It happens to be Daniel's fav too. I was amazed that Abby ate 6 and Daniel ate 8. As you can see in the pics they enjoyed the meal :). She is also a Tinker Bell fan, so this year the little fairy sat upon the b-day cake.

While she started the day at the hospital for an EKG and an Echo, the end of her special was exciting for her . Play dough, barbies and fairies were the theme for the rest of the night. She loved all of her presents and "swims" her pet fish from Paige, was a hit. Watching her fish, putting on Tinker Bell make up from Molly made for a great evening of fun.

BTW- Her test all came back normal! :)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

School Supply Shopping

What an exhausting day! Why is it when you go shopping for school supplies there is always that one item that every store is out of?

Nothing like braving 90's degree weather in a hot truck and a grumpy 3-year old. I'm just happy its all over with, well except for the elusive steno pad. Guess we will just wait until the Dollar General gets more in stock.

At least I have a new topic for my writing. School supplies, where to find them cheap this week :). Pretty cool to write about what you do everyday.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

New writing gig and added fun

I have a new writing channel on I am now the official NWI Frugal Family Examiner. I am pretty excited because I get to write on thrifty crafts, recipes, and entertainment. Today I posted a pretty simple article about painting lucky wish rocks. It's pretty simple but the kids love it. The kids are happy now too, because all the kids crafts they get to test out first hand. It makes for a lot of fun! Nothing better than adding a job that adds extra fun for the kids :).

Link for my article below.
Painting lucky wish rocks: Crafts for kids


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